If you want to avoid repossession, consolidate debts or put right any other financial problem, quickly receive money from the sale of your house can help.
Even if you have money aside for a rainy day, depending on your circumstances, you could find that this just isn’t enough. If you need a more permanent solution to debt consolidation, selling your home for cash could be the answer.
When you sell property to pay off debts, you must first settle the remainder of the mortgage along with any fees associated with the sale of your home, which can in some cases amount to thousands of pounds. Selling to Appleby Estates can be helpful in this respect. Appleby Estates is a cash buyer company, so you won’t have to pay any of these fees, as we buy your property directly.
Appleby Estates make it easy to see exactly what you could expect to receive and when in order to help you effectively budget so that you can get out of debt.
Selling your home quickly can be especially beneficial if you’re paying high rates of interest or late-payment charges on your debts too.
To find out more about how we can help when you’re selling a house to pay off debts, call the Appleby Estates team today.