Larger houses can become difficult to maintain, whilst the property will hold lots of memories it also becomes more expensive to run or its size may feel like a burden. You suddenly find yourself with a lot of space especially when children move out.
For some of these reasons and others, downsizing to somewhat more convenient, but there are many options for you to consider.
At Appleby Estates we are more than happy to assist you in this process. Many home sellers who contacted us wish to downsize to a smaller house due to health issues or to cover other cost, this has now become a growing trend in the UK.
Once you have sold your property you can free up your financial obligations and have extra cash to invest in your health , hobbies or holidays. If you are interested in a cash influx and want to free yourself up from time-consuming property maintenance, just fill our online form to start the process. With your co-operation, we could achieve fast sale at best market value.